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Happy Birthday

to us...

That's right. 1 year ago today I registered the name (and the lesser-spotted version). Back then, it was the second name I had come up with for this service; the first was the far more prosaic (September 2022 - February 2023 RIP). I only bought them for a year because I didn't yet know if the idea had legs.

Today, I renewed them for ten years - the maximum term.

Over the past 20 years, there have been rumours that domains with distant expiry dates do better in search engines. Buying a domain for ten years costs a lot more that buying it for a year. Not 10x, but maybe 7x. So spammers would be unlikely to do that. But that's not why I paid out for such a long term.

Nor is the idea that by locking in the price now, I'm insulating us against future price rises. Domain names haven't risen markedly in price, well, ever. I don't have a crystal ball, but I'm not hedging against future rises.

No, quite simply, it's a gift to myself. A vote of confidence in Fintrano before it's earned a penny. And one less thing to worry about for the next 10 years.

We plan to be around for at least that long.

About the author


Iain is a software developer with over 25 years in the industry. He runs Prominent Media, a software company based in Milton Keynes. Fintrano is his brainchild.